Annual Meeting 2014

WHCCA Annual Meeting

Board members in attendance: Cathy Falanga, Lawrence McCrone, Gayle Brown-Frisch, Clayton Tredway, Katie Ford, Thomas Uphill, Yen-Chu Wen, Jason Cook, Julie Freeman

Additional attendees: 9 neighbors


Treasurer’s Report (see report for details)

185 Dues Payers

Major expenses: Landscaping, newsletter (though now much less expensive), July 4th parade and picnic

In future, picnic and parade will be at Lattawood

Ended with a little more than we started year with

Also considering cashing out CD


Possible expenses next year

Irrigation system at Whispering Heights entrance may require repair work next year


Question: Is it correct that between the checking account and CD we have about $10K?

Answer: About that, though we have a bill outstanding for between $250-500 for the removal of a dead tree at the Collingwood entrance


President’s Report

Changes next year: Location swap for July 4th Parade and Ice Cream Social

New Whispers format (saving about $400/yr)

Focus on using revamped website for ongoing update—request from Thomas for contributors

Last year changed landscapers

Reviewing bylaws—will discuss at January meeting

We will also write up policy for mailbox stanchion repairs


Discussion of covenants

Because architectural review committees have ceased operating, not much we can do to enforce CC&Rs

We rely upon neighbors to be responsible to each other


Discussion about need for more volunteers

Idea: use block watch captains to survey neighbors—ask some questions about what people like about living here, what they want to change

Also, use block watch captains to increase interest overall in helping out in the neighborhood

Suggestion to convene block watch captain


How to get emails for people in order to push updates to people—YogeshMital volunteered to help (

Perhaps put on membership/dues form


Question: How to throw a block party


Next board meetings:

Tuesday January 27 and Tuesday February 24


Adjourned at 8:22 PM

Monday, December 15, 2014 - 19:00