
The Whispers neighborhood newsletter is published 3 times a year by the WHCCA board of directors and is distributed by volunteers to all homes in the neighborhood. Past editors include Lin Sanford, Kim Kooney, Will Hargreaves, and currently Janet Fleck.

Got any ideas for the next newsletter? Click here to submit an article by email.

WHCCA Board Pickle or Apocalypse?

Yes, your board is in quite a pickle (a sour one). Here’s the deal, no one has expressed an interest in joining the board in 2015. Additionally, we have no one to serve as Board President in 2015. Not to mention that several current board members are approaching the end of their respective 3 year terms (or have already gone well beyond their term). If our association cannot successfully identify neighbors willing to serve on our board, and existing board members are unable to continue or extend their service, the board will face a very difficult decision regarding its future.

Wally Larson

Memorial services for Wally Larson will be held on Saturday April 4th.

Center of Urban Horticulture - UW Arboritum
3501 NE 41st St
Seattle, WA 98105
Saturday April 4th
14:00 (2:00 pm)

Shrubbery on/over the Sidewalks – Who is responsible?

The question sometimes arises regarding who is responsible for trimming low tree
branches and vegetation encroaching onto/over the sidewalks in our community, so that
pedestrians are not endangered. Generally, it is the responsibility of the adjacent property
owner. In some cases, the City of Bellevue may take action if, for example, the vegetation
in question is posing a hazard, such as a sight distance problem that endangers traffic.
However, if the City is notified and determines that the encroaching vegetation is not
