Every year, residents of the Whispering Heights & Collingwood Community Association are asked to contribute $50 in annual dues to support community activities. If you're unsure whether you've already paid or have other questions about dues or WHCCA finances, please contact the current WHCCA treasurer at treasurer@whcca.org.
We welcome volunteers for our activities and greatly appreciate your interest.
We are now accepting 2025 annual dues online and via postal mail.
1. Online
Dues Payments: Pay dues from https://whcca.epremiumpay.com
Volunteer Opportunities: Please express your interest in volunteering by filling out this form
2. Postal Mail
Print this page, fill the form, and send it with a check payable to WHCCA.
Send to: WHCCA
PO BOX 40232
Bellevue WA 98015-4232
Your email address and phone number will be kept confidential by the WHCCA and will be available only to the WHCCA Board and to your Block Captain.
We recommend registering two residents if they live on this property, so that we ensure reaching residents in case of emergency.
Resident #1
Name ________________________________
Address ______________________________, Bellevue, WA 98006
Email _________________________________
Phone ________________________________ (cell / landline)
Resident #2
Name ________________________________
Email _________________________________
Phone ________________________________ (cell / landline)
Enclosed Annual Dues for calendar year 2025: $ 50.00
I am also enclosing an additional donation of $_________
Are you interested in providing input or volunteering in our community?
Check any of the boxes below to receive more information about opportunities to get involved.
☐ Easter Egg Hunt (April 19)
☐ Neighborhood cleanup (May & September)
☐ Fourth of July parade and celebration
☐ Ice cream social (early September)
☐ Block programs & parties
☐ Neighborhood safety
☐ Neighborhood landscaping
☐ WHCCA website
☐ WHCCA board
☐ ________________________________________ (fill in other activities or roles)